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Jobs That Let You Go Green

Campaign trails in the United States national elections always equate with the eternal bombardment of candidate rhetorics, overwhelming potential voters with promises on topics such as national security, health care, and the economy. In the 2008 presidential race, however, Americans are hearing about a new issue in environment and employment: green jobs or jobs that aim to create a more energy-efficient and energy-conscious society.DefinitionWhat are green jobs? Basically, green jobs encompass a…

Top Jobs for 2008

What are the 10 top jobs of 2008? According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), jobs under the “service” and “professional” categories will have the fastest growth in terms of employment. This is great news if you’re looking for a job in the service- or professional-oriented fields. Below are the 10 top jobs of 2008.1. Network systems and data communications analysts. There were about 262,000 network systems and data communications analysts in 2006 and it is expected to reach 402,000 by 201…

10 Evolving Jobs

10 Evolving Jobs

Job positions such as secretaries, operators, newspaper printers, steel manufacturers, etc.have been diminishing rapidly over the past decade. Many thanks to the ever-advancing computers, cell phones, voice recognition systems, and automated machines, numerous jobs that used to be considered integral to the workforce are declining. Fortunately workers who hold such positions can shift their skills to similar jobs with more growth. This article identifies 10 evolving jobs, the decline rate of sa…

Preparing Effective Job Resumes

A job resume is essential for job seekers trying to look for new jobs or better employment opportunities. There are many different ways one can prepare a job resume. There is the usual way and the effective way. It will be the big difference between being able to land that job and lingering even longer in the job market. There are certain job resumes that land those job interviews. How effective job seekers try to prepare them would determine the impressions that job recruiters would have on the…

What Makes Your Resume Dated?

What Makes Your Resume Dated?What Makes Your Resume Dated?

With the bad economy wherever you go, many people are forced to look for new jobs, including the middle-aged folks who have years of work experience behind them. However, just because you have an impressive employment record automatically means you will get called the next day. Job seekers need to find out the trends on […]

5 Best Places to Find a Job

In these troubled times, more and more job seekers would do everything to find a decent job, and that includes the willingness to relocate.  While other out-of-work professionals consider looking for jobs in major cities like New York, Los Angeles, and San Francisco, many smart job seekers are able to find jobs in the smallest of towns. Not every city in the US has high unemployment rate.  Here is a list of American towns that have low grades in unemployment and can give you a higher chance of l…

Fixing Up Your Resume

Job resumes may need a bit of fixes every now and then. If you are looking for a new job after several years would be one good reason to give your previous job resume some much needed revisions. Your previous job resume may not be as effective today as it once was and might need some fixing. Another reason might be checking for overlooked errors in the past resume. Here are some of the things that you may need to look into when you wish to give your job resume some much needed fixes.Update Your …

Commom Job Resume Mistakes

Committing job resume mistakes can be quite costly for someone who needs to look for a job as soon as possible. And many people still continue to commit them many times over and never bothered to correct them. The best way to be able to avoid them is by knowing what these mistakes are. No Cover LetterWith employers getting more and more selective when looking for new employees, they have also become quite particular when looking at resumes. Most of them usually look forward to reading a cover le…

Job Resume Rules Redefined

Writing job resumes follow certain rules in order for them to become more effective. Some of these rules have stood the test of time and is still applicable now. But there are also other rules in job resume writing that has since been redefined due to the changing of the times. Here are some of them. Job Resume LengthIt has long been an accepted rule that one-page job resumes are preferred than longer multiple-paged ones. But this is not necessarily the case today. Although some employers may al…

Horoscope Based Job Search

A job search can take more than just careful planning and preparation. Some may even include luck into the equation. There are times when finding a job is also a matter of being at the right place at the right time. That’s simple good luck anyway you look at it. There is a certain unpredictability when it comes to job searching. Sometimes people may not exactly guess what actually might happen once they are out there and seeking out some gainful employment. One might need all the help out there….